News Letter Term 1

 Welcome to Room 8's Blog
Room 8 2012 is made up of 11 YEAR 7 students and 19 YEAR 6 students.   We have some amazing experiences to share this year which include…

1.      Physical Activity Leaders Workshops and SAFE Kids St Johns Training – March
2.     Triathlon – Abbotsford School
3.     Year 6 Camp Berwick – Sept 10-14
4.     Horse Trekking – Year 7
5.     Rafting  - Year 7 Dec

Class Blog:
We have a new class blog this year.  I will endeavour to put information and pictures on the blog whenever I can.  Please feel free to add comments and let me know if I can change this or add things that would be useful.
Literacy…   The AVAILLL Programme will be introduced this year into the Year 6, 7, & 8 literacy programme.   This resource is based on using DVD’s to engage students into literacy. 
I am personally involved in a research project at the University of Otago based on Multi-literacies. The entire class will be involved in this study to some extent and some of your children will be more involved in this study and will have the opportunity to become researchers at the University.

Water Study…     Every alternate Friday, the Year 6 students will be working with Mr Gallagher in the Water Study project at the Kaikourai Stream.  When it is your child’s turn to go to the stream, it would be wise to bring gumboots and a jacket.  Sometimes they may get to explore in other streams around Dunedin.  When not working at the stream, the other students will be Technology Buddies with the children in Room 5.

Science Badges …   As you can tell I am a real advocate of the Science Badge.  The children relish the opportunity to earn credits, badges and certificates under this scheme.  I believe that if children are going to do homework then they need to make it worthwhile.  The Year 6 children are working on their Astronomy Badge on a Friday while the Year 7 children are at Technology.
Every child in my class has elected to do a science badge for their homework this year.  Some may get it finished in one term, some it will take all year. Your child needs to work at their own pace and can order another one at any time.  Each badge costs $5 and the children can look up the website and choose another badge whenever they are ready.   Friday is the day that we share and mark off the science badge work for the week.

Study Ladder…  The entire school has subscribed to this website.  Our kids just love it and teachers think it is awesome too.   
Room 8 children have a user name and password in their spelling notebooks.
Look forward to seeing you at our Goal Setting Interviews.
Feel free to contact me anytime by appointment or more easily by email…

Vickie Spiers
Room 8 Teacher 2012